WATER is a vital element of our body and it is beacuse of this element that life has been existing on earth. We are born with an ability to recognize a basic instint of THIRST. This is true for the entire animal kingdom.Water is important for life as it serves several critical functions.
Water acts as a transporter of nutrients, regulates body temperature, lubricates joints and internal organs, provides structure to cells and tissues, and can help preserve cardiovascular function. Water consumption may also facilitate weight management,where as deficits can impact physical performance , and recent research suggests that cognitive performance may also be impacted.
Water and children
Water is critical to health and necessary for countless vital processes in your child’s body, including temperature regulation and organ function . Children have greater water requirements than adults due to their rapidly growing body and higher metabolic rate. Drinking enough water is linked to healthy body weight, reduced risk of dental cavities, and improved brain function in children.
Dehydration can negatively impact your child’s health in many ways, potentially reducing brain function, causing constipation, and leading to fatigue

Plain water is the best drink
When your child is thirsty, do offer him water first. At times plain water may seem boring, it’s possible that your child may not like taking adequate amounts
To make water more interesting without adding extra sugar and calories, try infusing water with fresh fruits and herbs.
You can try out many flavor combinations to find one that your child enjoys.
Plus, your child will get a boost of nutrition from the fresh fruit and herbs used in the water

Infused water
COCONUT WATER is a good alternative to cold drinks and other beverages.It provides a good amount of several nutrients, including vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium and also electrolytes which — all of which are important for children and are lost through sweat during excercise.It is also a good replacement for a child for recovery after a tummy upset or vomitting.
HOMEMADE SMOOTHIES provide a way to sneak in veges and fruits in your child’s diet .They can be yogurt based or coconut water based.The sweet tooth craving can be met by using honey .Ready made smoothies should be avoided as they contian huge amounts of sugars for preservation.
According to NHS a rough guideline for sugar intake is listed below:
Adults should not consume more than 30 gmsof sugar =7 cubes
Children between 7-10 yrs:24 gms =6 cubes
Children between 4-6 yrs:19gms =5 cubes
A 250ml of aerated drink contains ~26.5 gms of sugar

A visual showing sugar content of commonly used drinks. Courtesy: Alan Stein jr
So much of sugar exposure leads to dental cavities,obesity, diabetes and many more health issues. In addition,the number of sugar exposures also adds up to developing cavities in children.
Thus, limiting sugar exposure and maintaing adequate hydration goes a long way in contributing to children’s overall health.
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